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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

USA President Trump And Voter Data

*USA Voter Data *?
Worries Many U.S.  States President Trump.
Maybe Because
US Boarder Patrol and US Immigration Are Federal Entities.
Demographics of Whole States Have Changed Census to Census, with no clear cut explanation of what happened to the people from 1990 and 2000 Years of Our Lord Jesus Christ  census years?
Voter Fraud Accusations, but no studies on why people dont vote even if their USA Registered Voters
The pure assertion of " *Voter*" said by a USA President co joined with the word "fraud".

A person who votes , is a *voter*.

"*VOTER FRAUD*" is not a person but an act of tampering the secret ballot election,  that determines an out come.
In President Trump's view a USA political election.

It is most times"*VOTER FRAUD*"the act of a few people and is done by a few people.
Not some Wired Sense of Self that Americans for fun, tested a few far reaching social rumors to become the new US Comander and Cheif.
One who is not showing the maturity to get the joke and see "Voter Fraud " is not Americans in any big number commiting this crime.
It is a few lawless individuals bent on destroying America, who need to be caught in the proper way you catch such acts.
Not the President yelling it out.

What can voter data really accomplish if the data is not defined as each voters name and address and who they voted for?
Which seems to X Off the USA Secret  Ballot Impression the US follows.

AS I'm Not 100% Sure if this is even regulated by any US Law or actually not legal to do.
Breaking America's Secret Ballot Tradition

*A Saying*
Being a rapper might get you crime as a lifestyle choice
Being a doctor might get you long hours and midnight calls to duty.
A USA President Must Be ......

Well why is what's in this data for *US Voters* so secret any way?

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