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Thursday, May 30, 2019

Why Are We Here?

Unfortunately when children come up missing or dead people don't really know what to do.
It is not their child or tragic mistake.
How society deals with the phenomenon of public outcry and opinions has no set path when someone is killed.
People in general are usually shocked, hurt and also scared.
No one likes to have to think that people close to them are capable of such heinous acts as well as lying about the out come of someone so close to them.
Like A Child.

Our inputs were fast and targeted directly at where these random facts might have a value or they may not have any value at all.

Part of what the point of technology is to make it work for a better life for people.

Our real goal as those who know us, is not after the fact but before the fact.
Can technology in our lives today develop a predictive method that can see the signs of people at an emotional breaking point before they break?

Can the societal factors like, law enforcement, child protective services and mental health services develop connective holding hands to provide a next step alternative, when a person has reached the breaking point?
Also with out violating people's right to privacy and in place laws that protect people's rights and liberties.

We think it can happen one day.

But to save a life before the bad thing happens is a very complicated matter.
Even if it could be accessed that a person or group like member's of a family unit.
Might be one step away from the unthinkable act of killing someone or in the attempt, hurting them badly especially children.

Where legally will this stand, aside from the legal implications of if this is even possible.
How many people would have to die that the right to know supersedes the personal rights of ones privacy?

What is the stress level of the official capacity of EMS, Police, Hospital Staff and a whole host of others who have to deal with the actual dead in their community and in their hands after the fact?
Often killed and disregarded with little or no value placed now in the hands of those whose job is to, uphold a moral and respectful treatment of people,  like the people these professions save everyday.

All very serious facts that are being considered in the various inputs we have given over the years.

Our final thoughts of reach to those we reached out to in the past to maybe understand some missing characteristics in the over all program in development that we wanted those who might use this one day to be in the know of how this came about.
That is on going and right now in some small way we made you part of this too.
To look with us at this type of technological future.

The tech products goals is preventative from our goals as well as part of what is a missing fact of our angle.

That through these I sure fascinating spur input tips. This one day will be developed as a tool and we then continue on to the social aspect of stopping people by simply helping them see before they make this mistake just not to do it.
Maybe via their cell phone or other smart devices.

Yes Watson at IBM an AI Cognitive Autonomous Program may one day be a friend and helper to people kind.
Maybe One Day.

I hope this gave some insight.


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